But really, do we both need to go to the parent/teacher conferences? I don't think both of us need to hear, "She's doing fine", "She's a joy to have in class", "She has met her AR goal and set a higher one".
Maybe if there was a problem and we needed to present an united front. Who knows? I've always just gone. I was amazed at the massive amounts of both parents. I even heard one say they had to hire a babysitter just to come!
So, what about you all? One parent or two?

My husband is a teacher so I like to have him with me at conferencs to wade-through "teacher speak." If he cannot attend, I go alone and take good notes.
I feel your pain. Honestly, if we are both available, we both go, but if only one of us is available, that's who goes. This year we both went to Maryna's and I went by myself to Garrett's. As long as one person gets the info...personally, I think it's fine.
We are involved parents as well; my husband coaches two soccer teams and a softball team and he would never miss a kid's game or concert. However, I think he has met maybe one or two of my children's teachers. I guess it is just part of my job to attend the conferences.
Two parents when they were younger ... now, just one parent. Or, like I did last night, skip it entirely. :)
Try three. In 2003, that wasn't nearly as much fun as it is now. We actually stayed with Loren during the ice storm. One great big happy family. Kum-ba-ya............
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