As I rubbed Blue Goo into most of my body and drifted off to sleep I remembered a friend talking about a foam roller for sore muscles. She talked about it replacing her husband. But, alas, I fell asleep.
Today we stopped by Academy to look at fuel belts. I'm beginning to feel the need for one. Who would have guessed that I would be a serious enough athlete to require one. I don't want the typical one that clips around the waist. After 10 weeks of running my waist still isn't a part of my body that I want to accentuate. I was hoping for an arm variety. Nothing fancy. At least two water tubes and a zippered pocket for my gum, jelly belly energy beans, chap stick, and kleenex. Apparently I am a high maintenance runner. I've had my suspicions. But no such luck finding what I needed.
However, low and behold, right next to the fuel belts was the foam roller. I thought I'd at least look. $20 for a foam roll. But it did come with an instructional DVD.
I've now done the workout, twice, and I'm feeling a lot better! By rolling on it with various body parts it massages the muscle and relieves the pain. Oh the glory! I can't wait to do it again. I just might do it after I post this!

When I read you loved the foam roller on Facebook, I assumed it was a new paint roller that was making your job of re-doing the girls' room easier. :)
Shows what I know .... obviously, I am not an athelete. I didn't know what a foam roller was, NOR had I ever heard of a fuel pack. I assumed *that* was something that went in your car.
Never heard of this but it sounds wonderful. Glad you found some relief!
So does that mean your 'Never Again' post is obsolete!!!!
you amaze me with the running. hey , my donate widget was ALL MESSED UP. I kept going to and trying to login to check to see if anyone doanted and it wouldn't let me. So, i got paranoid and removed it. There was NO record of the Go Mitch Go donation account I set up via my paypal, but people could still donate. It was so weird...
I stuck my "fuel" in my pockets for my marathon in August, but it wasn't ideal. Plua, I was running in a climate where you could wear pants for a marathon, lol, which is probably not the case for you!
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