If you're looking for an awesome Halloween post with reasons why it's a great holiday, please stop by my friend
Jen's blog. She put everything into wonderful, funny words. For my post today I just thought I'd share some pictures with you. I'm a little worried that I can't find more Halloween pictures but since I'm out of town, without Shawn , there's little help. I've been having technical difficulties all day long and I don't want to make it worse.

1st grade??? Don't ask me why the picture was taken before I was fully stuffed and had my face painted green. My parents were odd. My dad still is actually.

3rd grade??? Right before singing the Halloween musical at school. Until it was time to leave I stood by the fish aquarium and freaked the fish out with my painted face.
2005-Our three little OU cheerleaders. Reagan really wanted to be this for Halloween this year since we are deep in Texas Tech territory at the moment. But alas, we couldn't find it.
2007-A 50's girl, Pebbles from the Flinstones, and a Rock Star.

2007-Frankie and Annette-Please note that my face is not
actually that fat in real life. The puffy hair did it.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween. If you get any
Twix or Yellow
Laffy Taffy please save them for me. They're my favorite!!
Too cute!! I love the picture of you and Shawn...what an adorable couple! lol!! See you, tomorrow? :D
hey - thanks for the nod. i'm liking the rock star. very madonna. you and shawn are too cute. and, your girls look like you!!!!
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