I've wondered what other bloggers did when something like this was done.
I've thought it would hurt my feelings.
I've thought I'd chuck it all and forget I ever had a blog.
But instead I'm laughing.
And feeling really sorry for someone.
I found this today.
Did you ask if they had any in the back? Back to school is the second busiest time of the year for target and its not surprising things were missing. Considering they set the stuff up 2 months before school actually starts, one would think you had adequate time to find these items... but instead you probably waited until the week school started. way to go.
That's a comment that I received on my Why I Hate Target post.
I must admit I read it a few times before it sank in that it wasn't a joke.
Honestly, I can't believe that some stranger took such offense to my own opinion, on my own blog. I would never put something rude on another bloggers blog. What good does it do? If I don't happen to agree with something they wrote, I move on. It's their opinion. They're entitled to it.
Maybe they're a Target worker. Maybe they're just a early shopper. Who knows? I'm guessing though that since they didn't comment on the Why I Hate Wal-Mart post, they're a Target lover. In my defense, I did post things I hated about both. There's plenty of hate to go around. Come on, cut me a break here!
Okay, I've ranted. I'm moving on. I'm honored in a weird way. I've received my first 'hate comment'. I feel kind of special:)

Just stopping in to let you know I'm thinking about you and praying that Shawn finds a job soon. I know what it's like to have your husband around for about 8 weeks...umm...I think I'll send up an extra special prayer all for you! It is nice in the beginning, but as the days wear on......NO COMMENT!!
Hope you all have a blessed day!
I had a comment a few weeks back on mine where someone was blatantly making fun of me. I prefer to look at those kind of posters as miserable people who only get satisfaction in ruining every situation that they ever encounter. And then I don't give them one more thought. Keep on writing I love it :)
You know..it takes a while to get a thick skin in blogging. My first several blogs were full of my own opinions and I was frequently put down in my comment section. The thing is, the internet seems so small, but when you realize it's the ENTIRE world, you're gonna get everyone possible visiting you. You put it out there, it's gonna get read. Don't let it bother you. They are expressing their opinion about your opinion. Delete!! Now doesn't that feel better?
You wanna read smashes about my opinion? Go find my high fructose corn syrup article at 5MFGG and you'll see some serious comments insulting my intelligence and calling me ignorant!
Probably a PR person for Target. Hahahaha! Imagine how mean they'll get if you ever score a 100 on Technorati.
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