During dinner Kennedy asked if we could go to revival. Being the good Christian example of a mother I said, "Do we have to?" With 20 people coming for dinner tonight I knew there were things I needed to do. As excellent Christian examples of parents we decided to let Kennedy and Reagan go by themselves. Armed with McKinley's cell phone Shawn dropped them off. He went to pick them up on the way to his soccer game later. Reagan walked in so excited to show me a tattoo she got for being chosen to do a little game before the message. It was her third time at revival and she had really been hopeful. Then she pulled out 'the card'. The 'I asked Jesus into my heart' card. After hugs and kisses and congratulations I heard my cell phone. It was a forwarded text from Shawn. Kennedy had used McKinley's cell phone to send Shawn this message
...reagan asked Jesus into her...
How precious is that? Shawn might be unemployed, and we might not be the best examples around, but God is still working in our lives and the sweet lives of our girls.

Wow it is amazing how our little ones can lead us. What a testament to how he works through others to show us his presence. You guys are in my prayers.
What a precious posting!!! I am so grateful that the girls were able to go to the service. Perhaps they will join in the next baptismal class. Love, blessings, and prayers, always.
That is such a wonderful post! I'm tearing up reading it!! I'm sure you've never smiled as wide as you did hearing that wonderful news!!
Wow. I didn't know about the unemployment. Bless you. Two thoughts on this Wednesday night:
1) I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what Reagan has committed unto him against that day.
2) Not the best examples? Please. Isaiah: All our righteousness is as filthy rags. A lot of peeps would do well to share your humility, Stephanie.
Awww, all in all a lovely day! I have a feeling even more wonderful things are headed your way.
Congratulations Reagan!
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