Our second day at camp started out beautifully. Everyone made it to breakfast on time and the morning was crisp and beautiful. 5 minutes into our hike though we had to pull out the rain gear.

10 minutes later we were at the top of Vesper Mountain and it was just a bit cloudy. Oklahoma weather. Good grief.

What a view! And the landscape it gorgeous, too:c) This is my favorite hike because of this view right here. You can see towns, rock quarries, water towers, and miles and miles of open space.

Remember that rock I talked about
yesterday? Well, here's a prime example. My behind decided to get up close and personal with these exact rocks while I was replying to a text from a worried parent. Her daughter, by the way, was fine. My tushie, by the way, was not. I did survive though and am not carrying a
donut pillow so all is well.

This is our principals trail and since it was my third time on it I knew to have food ready at this stop. If you sprinkle some food in the water tons of fish come up and entertain the kids. I assume that with the other two groups he also finds someone who has food with them. I handed him a granola bar and watched him sprinkle a few pieces. Everyone oohed and ahhed and loved watching the fish. I didn't see them though. I was watching him eat the rest of my granola bar! That was my trail snack! I'll discuss that with him when Reagan is out of elementary and I can't get anyone in trouble.

See why I'm afraid? He's a loose canon. He took us right past this sign.

But in his defense, he was taking us here.

After climbing down the ladder, and holding hands with the principal to get over the slippery rock, we headed up into the creek bed to see if the waterfall was there.

Nope, no waterfall this year. I'm going to need my money back. Oh wait, parents don't have to pay. Shoot.

The kids hung out on the rocks for a bit longer and then we all climbed back up the ladder and headed back to the allowed part of the trail.

Our next stop was the fossil beds. Fossils, in Oklahoma?? How cool is that! There are three different types and they are so easy to find! I didn't take any pictures of them because I was having so much fun looking for them!

Luckily this was in the Dining Hall to make it easy to show you. I found several of each of these.

As we headed once again uphill to get out I saw some more of those
tree roots I love so much. They are the perfect steps.

After a very 'kiddy' lunch, thank goodness for a salad bar and my packed salad dressing, we headed to archery. Another teacher, this time with a bow and arrow. How fun is that?

Kennedy had struggled this summer when we did
archery on vacation but she had no problems this time. Look at the form.

Look at two of her four shots! Wow!!

My cousin Dick came down to visit his granddaughter Jaden and jumped right in to help the kids. I just love him.

And hello yellow part of the target. That would be my arrow right there. The one in the yellow. Did I mention it's in the yellow part of the target? I'd draw an arrow pointing to it...but I think you get the point. Makes the honking bruise on my arm worth it.

And after archery?? Canoeing of course! Since this is the only full day we're at camp we squeeze as much in as possible. These two cuties helped me relax and enjoy the view.

How cute is this picture? I just need to take out the directors shoes and slap some
Pioneer Woman's actions on it and see what I can make of it.

Shawn even got to take a few spins out on the water.

And of course as soon as we were done canoeing we headed straight to the fishing dock. I must admit I was a bit worried because as the fourth and final group those fish were probably sitting back in their recliners watching some DVR'ed shows with some full bellies.
You see, Kennedy has never in her life caught a fish. I know this because she said those exact words to me many times before we got there. I was hoping that just one fish would be looking around for something to do.
And looky there, she did it! It took a while, and another girl in our cabin had already caught four, but Kennedy finally got one!

Camp tradition.
Catch it.Kiss it.
This is my favorite picture of the whole three days!!!! He is all about that kiss! And apparently, so is the fish. They both really got into it!

And just because most of the fish were watching their shows, someone even caught a turtle.

No one knew what to do until my cousin Dick jumped right in there and took care of business. Did I mention I love him?

After a rest time of about seven and a half minutes, we headed to dinner and then got ready for skits, a bonfire, and an astronomy lesson. The principal and P.E. teacher showed up looking like this. I told them to make scary faces for me and got this. Do they think they look frightening? I'll have to think about that. And don't you love the t-shirt? '
Ha! Now you can't see me!'
The bonfire was ready and waiting for us when we made the hike down a huge hill. Why is everything on a hill in this place?

I found this cute guy there and had to have my picture taken with him.

First order of business...stupid human tricks. One per cabin. First we had the human pretzel. There was a lot of moaning when he got into the position. Most of it was from the dads.

Then my friend Jackson was announced. His mom had this expression as the principal said that Jackson was going to pick his nose...with his tongue.

Makes a mother proud.

I also found this adorable little guy fireside. He's my cousin Ethan and I love him, too!

After about 150 people made smores it was skit time. Skit time by flash light. That was fun. Our skit was of course the best, and the counselors were released to go hit the showers.

I was a little worried about leaving the girls at the bottom of a very dark hill but I found the teachers and knew they'd be in good hands.
How did I find them in the dark you might ask?? Well, here's one.

And here are the others. Aren't they a fun bunch??

1 comment:
Fun, fun, fun! Aren't you exhausted?!!!
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