Reagan has decided that when she grows up she wants to be an artist.
She is constantly drawing things, usually pictures of her with Evan.
Yesterday she drew the design of her wedding dress. She had to redo it a few times because it was so puffy on the bottom that she couldn't get
Evan close enough to her in the drawing!

If you were familiar with our church you'd recognize the stained glass windows that she drew in. And that's Jesus with rays of sun above his head. Also from the windows.
While waiting for her turn at voice lessons on Monday I found her doing this to Kennedy.

She was very intent on her work and didn't notice me taking pictures. Kennedy did though.

Kennedy finally gave in and let both of us continue.

After a few more minutes Reagan had finished her masterpiece.

Not bad! I don't have a picture of the flowers from Kennedy's capris but take my word for it, this is pretty good. She might be on to something.
But her sister would be a lot happier if she stuck to Evan pictures from now on:c)
Looks like an art school is in her future :)
Sooo cute! I LOVE the L-O-N-G waist and boobies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just hope the markers were washable that she used on Kennedy!
Please leave the markers in OKC when you come to Lubbock in 14 days!!!
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