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It's getting cold here. Well, it's Oklahoma. It's 72 one day and 32 the next. But since I mainly run in the early morning or late evening I've been dealing with some low temps. I wear Cuddl Duds under my pants and shirt and stay really toasty warm. The 32 degree cold and 25 mile an hour wind gusts run wasn't bad. I did have cold hands though.
For my 6 mile run this Sunday I wore my Duds, long pants, t-shirt, zippered sweat jacket, gloves, and a hat. About 1 mile in and I was hot! Well, not hot, but uncomfortable. I took off the gloves but didn't have anywhere to put them. I keep my chap stick in my bra and on long runs usually have some energy beans in there, but would the gloves fit? Surprisingly, yes. But when I decided it was too hot to wear my hat...yep. I looked lumpy but I did finish the run. Maybe it's time to start fuel belt shopping again.

You crack me up! Seriously! I was the same way...stuffing everything into my pants! Well, until it all started dropping out the bottom! lol! Get a fuel belt, at least for your beans for goodness sakes!! :D (beans in a bra! whodathunkit!)
Oh, I wish I was a runner! I just can't seem to get past the side that feels like its ripped open, the burning lungs and the aching knees! I sure wish I could though...then I could indulge in that extra scoop of ice cream...hmmm...those running shoes have got to be in the closet somewhere...LOL
Fun blog..but this post makes me feel really guilty. It is always perfect weather here and I have no excuse. I am not inspired to run just yet but I think I might start walking really fast. That's a start, right??
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