Shawn brought home a blank canvas a few nights ago. A bird house. For a fundraiser at work they were asking people to decorate bird houses that would then be auctioned off. He knew Reagan would love the challenge. She instantly started planning it. She even gave up going to see a magician to work on it. In under an hour she had it all sketched out. Over the next week she painted it all in. It was all she thought about. All she could talk about. And it turned out pretty good for a little 9 year old artist. It was hard to see it go. I might have to go to an auction....
Just your everday domestic goddess trying not to lose my mind when the stack of school 'take home papers' falls over and I lose the kitchen. Happily married to my hot husband and mom to three presidential daughters.
Awe, I love the rainbow! It turned out so cute. Tell her cousin Amelia likes it too :-)
Glad I won it and brought it back home where it belongs :-)
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