You might be wondering why I am saying that now, on the 13
th. Well, it's not the end of the fourth until I see fireworks.

They were Friday night.
Let me '
Our fourth started out cloudy. I was worried for the parade but it cleared off in time. I would have had some
disappointed children if it had been postponed.

Those of us not in the parade set off to stake our claims in our usual spots while the parade people waited for their time to join.
I people watched.

Like any small town parade ours started with police, fire trucks,

and county sheriffs.

obligatory old car parade had me salivating just like last year.

But this year I do have my own cute vintage car. I kept turning around to check on it down the street.

Maybe it should join the parade next year. Of course with the slow parade speed, my left leg and the clutch might both give out before the end.
I kept waiting for my crew. Soon enough they were in sight.

This is Shawn's 5
th year and I honestly believe the citizens of our small town would be upset if he didn't make his annual appearance.

He was joined by our neighbors, our three girls, and two of my cousins who were staying with us. There were several first timers in the group this year.
They were all quite
entertaining, I must say.
The rest of the day was filled with food,


and fun.


water balloons,

tons of pictures,

....and rain.

It was the massive amounts of rain that made them postpone the fireworks.
So six days later we were in our usual spots. Our amazing neighbors take trucks off their car lot and back them into the prize watching area. We just show up a few minutes before the show,

set up our lawn chairs,

and sit back and enjoy.
Well, and have a little fun.

Happy 4
th of July!!

That sucks that it rained on the 4th, but at least you still got to see the fireworks!
Great pictures..what FUN!!!!
Where in the world did you get all of those costumes?
And what lens did you use for the fireworks?
Not fair! Since we were there and came home, we didn't see any fireworks. Guess it's still the
4th of July then, right?!!!!!!!!!!!
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