Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Twitter Love

With all my traveling, eating, packing, and catching up, I have neglected Twitter. It happens. I didn't think anyone had noticed until I got a notification last night that I'd been @'d.

I was intrigued and hurried to find out what had been said.

I found this.

OKIHomeStager- I miss @stefunk

dontcallmemom- @OKIHome Stager @stefunk me too!

OKIHomeStager- @dontcallmemom @stefunk We should start a movement! Wait! We need a hashtag: #MissDaFunk

dontcallmemom- @dontcallmemom @stefunk love it!! #missdafunk

So this morning I had to reply. I mean, hello, they'd given me my own hashtag!!

stefunk- Obviously my Twitter absence was noticed. @dontcallmemom @OKIHomeStager, thanks for noticing and for the hashtag #MissDaFunk Love you 2!

dontcallmemom @stefunk yay, you are back!! #missdafunk

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go update my Twitter status. Apparently I have fans:c)

Okay, 2 of them. But still, they're fans!


  1. It seems that your friend @OKIHomeStager has mastered the Twitter craft despite such a rough start. Good for her!


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