Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Garlic Noodles

For the last four years we've gone to eat at P.F. Chang's for the after All State concert meal. Sing it with me. Tradition! Last year Mom asked if we could go somewhere else since she really doesn't like that type of food. Unfortunately when I mentioned it to McKinley she broke down in tears and said it was her last year and we had to go there. This year before we left I talked to Kennedy about other choices and she said, "But we have to go there. It's tradition." Sorry Mom:c)

I of course got what I always get, because I'm not going to waste money by getting something I might not like. But McKinley went for something new, Garlic Noodles. She was served enough for the restaurant to share. Luckily she only shared with us. I. Fell. In. Love. They were delicious. Garlicy with a slight spice. Perfection.

I came home and started searching for the recipe. I found three and they all seemed to be the same so I stuck with the one that let me adjust the serving size. I upped it to 8 because we love leftovers and started writing it down. When I noticed I needed four pounds of vermicelli I got a wee bit concerned. I bumped it down to six servings and Shawn went to the store to get me everything I needed. (Love him!)

Monday night I started making Garlic Noodles. My mouth was watering the whole time. I made some stir-fry vegetables to go with it and considered it a full meal. I couldn't wait until 6 pm. Let me just say, the wok was full. Completely. When everything was ready we sat down to eat and the girls raved about them before I could even take a bite. But when I finally did it was such a let down.

Let me say now that the recipe wasn't exactly thorough. It never told me when to add the Cantonese Stir Fry Sauce so I guessed. But really, it wasn't that hard of a recipe. So now I had almost 3 pounds of not really flavorful Garlic Noodles.

Shawn came home around 11 that night and went to bed Garlic Noodleless. I got a text today from him while he was eating lunch saying they weren't very garlicy. (You'd think 12 cloves of garlic would be more evident.) I agreed and told him I was trying again with the leftovers for dinner tonight.

So tonight I made my amazing Baked Almond Chicken, put it in the oven, and set to work on chopping more garlic. I did a few things differently and was excited for dinner. When the oven timer went off I got the oven mitts and pulled the chicken out of a very cold oven. How did I not notice that the oven hadn't ever heated up?? How did I not notice there were no delicious smells coming out of it? I think I was bit too over focused on the Garlic Noodles. So we had noodles and stir fry vegetables again. And the chicken went to spend some quality time on the outdoor grill. When Shawn got home an hour later he had the full meal. The girls and I had chicken for dessert.

And the noodles?? Still not right.

And I don't want to alarm anyone...but it doesn't look like we've eaten a single noodle.

I think they're multiplying when we're not looking.

Guess what's for breakfast. Scrambled Eggs...with Garlic Noodles!!


  1. Let me know when you get the recipe perfected!

  2. i want to know about this baked almond chicken you speak of!


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