Monday, January 24, 2011

I Missed My Kitchen!

After traveling and recovering from those travels for nearly two weeks I was sick and tired of eating out. I'm not a big fan of eating out and having no other choice but to do so it a bit much. So this morning I got reacquainted with my kitchen.

I noticed there were some over ripe bananas so I made Banana Split Bread. Then I decided we needed a dessert so I got everything out for a Cherry Coffee Cake that is so rich we don't eat it for breakfast anymore. When I opened the cherries though I realized I'd opened cherries when I needed Cherry Pie Filling. So I made a layered Jell-O salad that McKinley just loves. Oh, and I started a great new recipe that you'll hear more about later.

My kitchen and I were having so much fun together:c)

When I put on Facebook that I was spending the day cooking a couple of people commented and said I should start a blog with my recipes and it got me thinking. Is that something you all think I should do? Would you all like to see what I cook? I don't want to invest my time and effort (although I think we all know by now that I love sitting) if no one is interested.

So let me know what you think. I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. I would totally read your cooking blog!!

  2. yes PLEASE share your recipes - you have girls around the same age as mine - as a newbie, I need ALL the help I can get!!!

  3. How many recipes have I asked you for dear Niece?!?
    Yes, you got me hooked on Pioneer Woman! You got me hooked on blogging! You might as well get me hooked on your recipe blog!!!

    Just make easy to print them out. I get agitated when I try to print a recipe from your back files and it prints 100+ pages :-)

  4. I just discovered your blog but I would totally read your cooking are always making my mouth water on facebook!

    Megan Edgman


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