Thursday, January 27, 2011

PW's Contests

I sure hope all of you know who the Pioneer Woman is. If not, please clear your calendar for the next two weeks, send your husband and children out of town, click on that link, and spend some quality time reading everything she's ever written. That's what I did about three years ago one Spring Break. Except that I didn't have anywhere to send Shawn and the girls. So the next best thing? I took the girls to my in-laws house and let Mom take care of us so I could read.

Love you Mom!

Everything she writes about is good, even the burping. But I'm partial to burping since I was the female champ in high school.

She has a photo tab and because of what I've learned there I bought Photoshop and then a dslr. Well, why Shawn bought them for me:c) I have learned so much about Photoshop by using her free actions and following her step by step instructions. She talks to me like I'm six when explaining something. That's the only way I learn.

She started doing photo contests a while ago. She gives a subject (flowers, children, pets) and you enter pictures in her Flickr group. I've entered a few of contests and was overjoyed when I had a picture chosen for the Funny category. I was yelling and screaming and the girls came running in to see what was wrong. I told them I'd had a photo chosen and then showed it to them on her website. About a minute later McKinley said, "I took that picture." Uh, yep. I didn't take it. How could I? It's underwater and the strap from the camera is shown around her neck. And the kicker?? It's not even my camera! It's Carrie's! I'd like to get an underwater case for my camera so we can get shots at other times then the 4th of July when they visit:c) When I saw the most recent category, I knew I'd have plenty of choices.

Here are all the pictures I entered. And not a single one was chosen! Dangflabit. Apparently I need someone else to take it, with someone elses camera, and have it appear on my computer.

Oh well, I'll be ready and waiting for the next contest. Maybe....

1 comment:

  1. I'm convinced that only professional photographers win in her contests! I think you could qualify in that category!



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