Saturday, January 1, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Since it's New Years Day it only seems fitting that I'm blogging about Christmas Day. Maybe a New Years resolution should be to blog a little faster.

Doubt that will happen.

Santa was good to the girls this year. One Santa took the other one shopping for a simple guitar and the other Santa insisted we leave with a keyboard and stand. It's a good thing one Santa had a new job this year and saved her money. The thinking of Santa #2 was that with three girls playing piano and the piano being up against our bedroom wall, it would be nice to have another piano that came with head phones somewhere else in the house.Genius I tell you.

The guitar was a hit and a teacher is soon being contacted. But the hit of the Santa gifts?A rubber chicken key chain. Of course, to her, the laptop Santa #2 felt was necessary was a hit. Santa #1 has to make sure computer time and website regulations are being followed so she wasn't as excited. You know it's a good sign when the keyboard has your name on it! After our traditional Christmas breakfast it was time for gifts.

After dining at my fabulous bosses house Shawn couldn't stop talking about their salt and pepper pump grinders. I asked some questions, did some internet searching, and finally found them. Sorry I didn't get a picture of them opened. The funniest part of this gift was him demonstrating to everyone how they worked and hearing a funny sound. He'd peppered the wrapping paper on the floor in front of him. Every year there's one gift I'm so excited to see opened. When it's for my aunt Janis, it's even better. She is impossible to buy for because what she wants or needs, she gets for herself. But this year I knocked her socks off. There is a tree by her house that she mentioned to me once she just loved. She asked me to take a picture of it for her. After I did I put it in a folder on my hard drive and promptly forgot about it. She never asked for it either. But after driving by it a few months later, I got an idea. So I started taking a picture of it in every season. Yep, I'm cool:DShe was very surprised and I couldn't be happier.And now, just a few fun Christmas faces. And my gift?? It wasn't a surprise but I was thrilled to get it.

Especially with a tag like this.

At our wedding rehearsal my wonderful former Senior High pastor was our officiant. When he got to the 'Do you Stephanie take Shawn part' he said he couldn't say that. If he did, we'd be married. So he said, "Do you Milk, take Cornflakes to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Since then we've called each other those names. We always put it on our Christmas gifts to each other. A Keurig! I'm so deeply in love with it. And since no one thought to get a trash bag at the beginning of gift opening...and no one was willing to leave during it to get one...we had a big pile of trash. That became a lot of fun before Mommy made them get out so I could find the carpet.

I need to see carpet.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas surrounded by your family.

What was your favorite gift?


  1. What kind of keyboard did you get? We're thinking of getting one for Benjamin.

  2. Did Tyler not come over and open gifts? I was hoping you'd get some pics of him!
    Glad you all had a good one.

  3. Love, love, love the photo of the tree during the different seasons. What a great idea.

  4. I am trying to figure out which tree that is. Next time I am over there I will be looking at all the trees!


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