Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Break

Usually during Christmas break we eat, stay home, and eat. But this year I vowed to do more. I set some money aside and started planning. It had to be close to the hospital since Shawn was on call. Or close to home so we could race home if we weren't in two cars. With everything we did, we lucked out. Love when that happens:D

The first outing was to Bricktown to see a movie, do some shopping, and eat dinner. Oh, and dessert of course.

I love downtown at Christmas. Since Bricktown was revamped and the canal was added it's so beautiful. And the crosses that have been displayed on the buildings since I was a little girl are still there. Every year I think some radical organization of some kind is going to find a way to make that wrong. When I was young I dreamed of someday working in one of those buildings and getting to be one of the offices to leave my light on.Oh the dreams.

We met Shawn at Bass Pro Shops so he could spend a $50 gift card first. I hate that place. I'm sure there's something in there I would like...but it's surrounded by about a billion things that bore me to death. Air Soft guns and a target were purchased, and I made it out alive.

After a quick dinner at Sonic we went to see Tangled. Loved it. All of us did. Sadly I was too full from Sonic to get popcorn. That depressed me on so many levels. I need another movie date in my very near future. Of course following the movie we went to Cold Stone Creamery so it was okay. Almost okay.

A few days later we decided to go bowling. I honestly think the last time I went was when we were still in the military. So it had been about 13 years. When you're not very good, 13 years is a really long time. We got set up (with three shoe changes for the growing Reagan) and got started. After Reagan had four gutter balls, she was done and hated it. I sent Shawn to the front desk to ask about bumpers. I'd had two gutter balls myself and it certainly couldn't hurt. The bumpers made all of us a lot happier. I'm ashamed to say they helped my game immensely. I even beat Shawn one out of the three games. That my friends, is a miracle. A Christmas Break miracle. Those don't happen often.

See, he has some serious skills.
I love this. Who hasn't leaned to one side hoping the ball would go that way. This girl tried to make it look cool, but found it was just easier to bowl normally. She beat me two out of three games. I am still trying to come to terms with this. And my growing baby. This was before the bumpers. Her face was not happy. We were two games in when I noticed this. McKinley, our score board setter upper, spelled her own name wrong. Ha!

And here is proof that I beat Shawn. I'm the first S. And yes, I know it's blurry. The board reset itself so I was in a hurry to snap. But trust me, I won.And just for fun.With friends spending the night, more evenings driving through Christmas lights, and lots of leftovers, we had a wonderful break.

How were yours?

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