Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Minty Snowmen, Women, and a Hula Dancer

It's that time of year! Time to make our traditional Minty Snowmen. Last years were cute, but we stepped up this year.

So that I wouldn't lose my mind, I doubled the recipe this year. I measured out three tablespoons for the colors, and just started making bodies. We ended up with two for each of the girls, and one each for Shawn, Me, and Mom and Dad.

I started working on mine but of course needed pictures. I asked Shawn to take a picture of me so I could remember that I did it.

This is what I got.Thanks honey.

You can see my new wedding ring though!

Not well though.

And here's the picture I got of Shawn. He finished quickly. You'll see why later.

Everyone else was deep in concentration.Reagan did something we've never done before. Mixed colors. Why have we not done this before? Leave it to the youngest to one up us. So here are our finished products.

Reagan liked what I did and made a scarf. I always have toothpicks out for help placing sprinkles. Reagan had watched Gogo incorporate the toothpick and she did the same thing. Why haven't we thought of this before?? Soooo cute!Reagan's second a bit over worked. The hat misshaped the head and in trying to save it, we couldn't. It ended up looking like a bird. So, Reagan made a bird.Gogo was a first timer. She got right to it and really impressed us! When Dad joined the merriment he added feet to it and it promptly fell over flat. Kennedy decided to make a lined jacket this year. How cute is that?! And a two layer scarf! I'm telling you, in a few years our pieces of art will probably be good enough to be auctioned off. What?? It could happen. And now Shawn's. He just wasn't feeling it this year. As evidenced by this. It was two sided though to convey his mood. McKinley decided her second one needed a friend and reworked the dough to do these. Cute! And her first one is the hula dancer. She's our first hula snow person and I must say, really darling. And I saved the best one for last. Simple, classic, and very cute. If I do say so myself. What?? Don't you agree??

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to print this recipe up, I never remember this one! the are all cute. I think GoGo is onto something with the toothpicks!
    happy New Year!


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