Friday, November 26, 2010

San Francisco-Day 3-After the Race

So what would you do after a cold, rainy, painful half marathon?? Shower and shop of course! And a little bit of rest. And a lot of complaining about a cracked laptop screen.

I'd wanted a charm from Tiffany to add to the bracelet that Shawn gave me for the Phoenix half marathon so Karreen and I headed to their store in Union Square. Right where the start to the race had been. We were a bit overwhelmed when walking in and looked around a little. After we asked about the charms we were told they were upstairs. We weren't cool enough to shop on the main floor. We found the charms but there wasn't anything having to do with running. When a salesperson came and asked what we needed I asked if they had anything for running. He looked at me weirdly and said no. The race had started at their front door. And the race is an annual event. I think they're missing out on some easy money. So then I asked what they had that represented San Francisco. The answer. We used to have cable cars but we don't have them much anymore. Um...hello. Why not carry things that go with the area? I'm a little disappointed in Tiffany. We stopped at Niketown to shop the race wear hoping it was marked down. Nope. The zip up jackets were still $70! I asked when they went on sale and was told in about 6 months. Apparently anyone could just walk in, but something that said they ran the race, and walk out owning it. Why didn't I think of that?!

Defeated we headed back to our hotel. But we found something...Charm World! Hello $18 cable car charm. I put it on my necklace because it was just so cute and tiny. It's exactly what I didn't know I wanted. Karreen got a slightly bigger one and the next day after oohing and ahhhing over ours, MaryJean got one also. Take that Tiffany's!!

Soon we were all dressed up and limping our way to the convention center for the Victory Party. The food was...interesting...but the entertainment, FABULOUS!!

This right interesting. They did lots of interesting things. I want to be strong enough to do them all. But I'd have to find a woman my exact height and weight and really get to know her well.

That's creepy now that I think about it. I could sooo do this if I lost 50 pounds...became really bendy...and were Asian. Now this, this I actually would love to do. Love. Love, love, love! This might give me rope burn. But I'd still do it in a heart beat. Where can I go to learn this?? Where could I hang one of these things?? Oh. Ow. I can't raise my right arm over my head. Do you think that's important? I could do that move. I could so do that move. I might not be able to get out of it, but I could get into it. After a weird meal, and awesome entertainment, it was time to dance.

Dance?? Yep. After running either 13.1 or 26.2 miles earlier in the day, they have a dance. And you know what?? People dance. People I know. People like me. Who grew up never dancing. Who don't really know how. Who just step touch and hold the camera so no one realizes that I can't dance. Yea, those people. At this point I was really sore but you know what, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. And it's fun!!

But really hard to photograph. Did I mention that we were sore?? I thought she was going to need help getting back up. But I wasn't going to offer it, I was going to take pictures.
Soon it was winding down and I had to admit, I was worn slick out. The day had started at 4:30 and by the time we walked back to the hotel we'd probably been on our feet for 20 total miles.

But we look good, don't we?? The next morning though...? We could barely throw our feet over the side of the bed. Oh well, it was worth it:c)

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