Sunday, November 21, 2010

San Francisco-Day 3-The Race!!

Early Sunday morning the 3 of us got up and started getting ready. I hadn't worn a real shoe on my left foot in 5 1/2 weeks so I was a bit fearful to put on my tennis shoes. I saved that until right before we were headed out the door. I'm not going to lie, it hurt, but not as badly as I expected. I was walking funny though, kind of throwing my knee out to the side to compensate. I sure hoped that I wouldn't do that for 13.1 miles.

The Oklahoma team met in the lobby to get ready to walk to the start. Cameras were every where. I of course couldn't run with my Rebel dangling around my neck so I'd brought Kennedy's point and shoot. I don't know if we just didn't buy a quality camera or if my intellect is just so above it that I couldn't use it. Basically I'm making excuses for why most of the pictures I took look rotten.

Well, that and my lack of muscles and 40 extra pounds.

Those two things can ruin every picture.

Especially when I'm in stretchy running pants.

I had to have a picture with the one and only Tracy Whitaker. Mitchell's mom. She's the whole reason we were there.

Now this lady. Let's see if I can make this short. Ruth was diagnosed with a type of leukemia that had no treatment. She was basically told there was nothing they could do. She found a doctor though who had gotten a $500,000 grant from Team in Training and developed a drug named Gleevec. It saved her life. She has dedicated her life to helping fund raise. She ran a half with us in San Francisco which was her 10th LLS/TNT event, and exactly 8 days later was in Dublin running a full. But there's more! She is an amazing cake decorator and sugar artist. She has hundreds of awards and I've watched her win competitions on the Wedding channel and TLC. She is my Facebook friend and every time I'd post something about my foot she'd comment with words of inspiration. I. Love. Her. Since we are Mitchell's Angels I was thrilled when I found iron on wings. Aren't they cute?? The start was close enough to our hotel that we walked there and found our corral. I loved how it was set up. Two streets crossing each other, people lining three of the four directions several corrals deep. It was quite a crowd! I noticed this while we were waiting. Could you run in those?? I'm sure the bottoms are thick, but I still think it would hurt to step on anything. Soon enough it was our turn and we Morticia Adams stepped with the hundreds of other people crushed up next to us. This race course was a-m-a-z-ing. Nothing will ever compare. Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz, the bridge, the woods, and then the coast. The views as we were leaving the city were gorgeous also. And the entertainment? Phoenix was a Rock and Roll race so every mile they had a band playing. Here they just had crazy people to entertain. Sadly because of poor camera quality or skills, and the bouncing, most of my pictures didn't turn out. I was willing to stop for scenery to make sure the picture looked good. Oh, and the guy in the pink body leotard. Oh come on, he was standing by the bridge. When we got to the state inspiration mile I couldn't control my emotions. I was in quite a bit of pain. It actually hurt more to walk than to run so I was running as much as possible. I of course couldn't run straight up so we were walking the hills. It just hurt. Then I saw the faces of the people we were running to honor. It overwhelmed me. Then we got to the coast. Hello gorgeous. By now it had been raining for almost an hour. Still, the coast was beautiful. I loved this guy with his bike and his little sign. I stopped for a second to take his picture. He told me to put it on Facebook and tag him. He's 'The Go Guy'. This is what he does. So inspirational with such a tiny little message. Loved it. The slogan of the race was 'I Run To Be'. It was printed everywhere. I loved how you could fill in the word you felt fit you the best.

I chose empowered at this point. Oh how I loved the downhill parts. LOVE this!!
Finally!!! Do you know what makes the Nike Women's San Francisco marathon the best?? You don't get a medal at the finish line. You get a Tiffany necklace. From a San Francisco fireman. In a tux. Holding a silver platter. I picked the cutest one and got my box. He looks good, wish I did. After checking in we hit the TNT finishers tent for a sandwich, chips, cookies, and relaxing. But after about 10 minutes I was cold, still really wet, and ready to get on the bus. After what seemed like another 13 miles we were finally on the bus headed back to the hotel. I'd done it. Run a half marathon, in San Francisco, with a stress fractured foot. And an amazing running partner.

And helped raise money to save lives like Ruth.Oh, and I got this. I've never liked the necklaces they've given out before. I'm so glad I waited until this year to do this race. I've worn it every day since!

Know what's coming up next?? A nap!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you for what you did in raising money and sticking to your commitment despite the pain.

    And, let me say how gorgeous you are inside and out! You say you carry extra weight but I say it doesn't show.


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