Friday, November 26, 2010

My Baby

My baby is 9 today. How did that happen?

Anyway, Happy Birthday Reagan!!

I love many things about her but here are 9 of my favorites.

1. She is still betrothed to the most adorable boy. They told us when they were two. Just tonight at football game he asked her if she was still his girlfriend. She of course answered yes.

2. She says the funniest things. Tonight we all put on three or four layers and headed to the football game. It was 37 degrees when we left. Kennedy was whining under her breath and finally said, "I'm hot." Reagan instantly said, "And I'm sexy."

She volunteered to pray one night at dinner right after McKinley also volunteered. McKinley prayed first and instead of starting as soon as her sister was done, Reagan said, "My prayer is going to be way better than that." She then asked God to bless the food to the 'nurses' of our bodies. A few days later she tried again. This time we got 'nurseries'.

One night while we were all sitting around watching tv she just out of the blue said, "If you put Funyuns on the grill, do they turn into onion rings?"

But one of my favorites? She came home early from school one day for a sudden all over rash. Weirdest thing. I let her stay here while I ran to school to pick up her sisters when they got out. As we walked back in the door she said, "Oh man! Next time I'm home alone I'm going to eat all the whipping cream!" This was brought up last night when Shawn applied a lot of spray whipping cream to his three slices of pie. It lead to this. Today as she unwrapped her presents at her family party guess what she got?? Her very own bottle of spray whipping cream. Thanks Juju! She's already had several hits tonight:c) 3. This is something I love about all my girls, but especially today and for Reagan. When it's their birthday I ask them what they want for every meal of the day. We'll take them anywhere for anything. They all ask for my cooking. That is an amazing compliment.

Reagan's menu for today:

Breakfast:Biscuits and Cocoa Gravy and Scrambled Eggs
Lunch:Baked Potato Soup and Homemade Breadsticks with Parmesan/Garlic Butter
Dinner:Crock Pot Lasagna and Gogo's Green Beans
Dessert:Heavenly Bars 4. She not only plays the piano and takes voice but she's also quite a little artist. She puts my stick figures to shame. I love to find her drawing.
5. She just proclaimed her love and devotion to God by asking to be baptized. It was one of the proudest moments of my life. Kennedy was baptized right before her. It was what we gave Gigi for her 89th birthday. She said it was a wonderful gift. 6. She begged and begged at age 4 to take voice like her sisters. She hasn't always loved it, but she has the sweetest little voice and delightful motions when she sings. This year she's sung a trio with her sisters for almost 1,000 people, been asked to sing for Wednesday night Prayer Meeting, and asked to sing for ARMM (Academy of Retired Ministers and Missionaries). She did each with a sweet smile and warm heart. 7. She played soccer again for our church with her amazing Daddy as her coach again. Because of my trip and McKinley having auditions I couldn't go to many games. But when I was there that girl scored! And scored plenty:c) 8. She is soooo adventurous! I always thought the baby of the family was reserved and shy and quiet. Not this one! She's up for just about anything. Zip lining? Sure. She did it twice! 9. She's a sweet friend, sister, daughter, student, neighbor, and cousin. She is so compassionate to everyone. Again I thought the baby of the family wouldn't like to be around younger cousins. But she has proven me wrong once again by being sweet and loving to her little cousins.So my baby is 9. I still can't come to terms with it, but I'm so happy we've had 9 wonderful years with her. I can't wait to see what her future holds. We love you Reagan Teal!!


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