Monday, November 29, 2010

San Francisco-Day 4

So what would you do after running 13.1 miles, walking about 7, and dancing the night away?? Go on a Segway tour of course! We slept in a bit, hopped in two cabs, and headed to the wharf. We were told to pick our ride and get ready for class. I picked this one. It was named 'Golden Gopher'. I couldn't resist:c) Sure wish I'd checked the tires before all the other ones were chosen! I just hoped I wouldn't get stuck on a slippery slope.After a video and a 30 minute class with obstacle courses, we were on our way. Segway's are really easy to drive but quite a bit frightening at first. Did you know the way to get it up off the ground is to raise your leg (ouch), push down on the back edge (ouch), and continue pushing until it's standing upright (ouch). Of the 15 people there for the tour, all but 3 had run the race. There was a lot of moaning. The Segway is so sensitive to movement. You don't really have to make big movements to make it go anywhere. It almost senses it. Slight heel pressure and you'll slow down. Curl your toes a little and you take off. It was addictive! I never wanted to walk again. And speaking of that, the boot completely threw them off. They finally decided it wasn't allowed. I got to sport a lovely pink (dirty) Croc. I was assured they're sanitized, it just looked dirty.

Apparently you're not supposed to take pictures while driving a Segway. I was caught, and told not to. So sorry, no tour pictures. I had to wait until we were stopped on a pier at the end to take pictures. Not only are Segways a little tricky to get on, they're a little tricky to get off. It's still moving as you step off because your feet are moving. We were taught exactly how to do it.

Some people still had trouble. It was continually running backwards into her until someone saved her. Aren't we cute?? We don't look like we're in pain at all. But trust me, we are. Mounted and ready to leave:) Okay, so I snuck a picture when the guide wasn't looking. After all, it was the side of Alcatraz I hadn't been on. And hi there! Soon we were back on our boring feet and deciding what to do next. Lunch was in order. Well, but one of our group needed to use the bathroom. Sadly this is what you run into a lot around town. Even though it was October the flowers were amazing! These made me want to go into the building. Sadly I was limping so far behind the group that I didn't get to voice my opinion. After lunch we hopped a cab, thank the good Lord, and headed to some shopping in Chinatown. You can't go to San Francisco without seeing (and smelling) Chinatown. Every store has the exact same things for sale, just a few different prices. I found a good deal on three silk hand painted umbrellas for three sweet girls, and from then on just took in the scenery. And the smells. Oh my stars the smells.

I wish I knew what bird this used to be. It certainly wasn't laundry I was smelling. These...creeped me out at first, but I decided they were roots...of some sort. But this? We smelled it a block away. Holy fish Batman! I just stopped and stared. And took pictures. Don't want the whole fish? How about some fish parts? Or need something a bit smaller? Right here in this tub. Don't want it fresh and fly bitten? Bagged, dried, and salted.I thought the smell couldn't be any worse....until I smelled this. I couldn't even walk in. It was disgusting!! I don't even know what it is. And I don't ever want to know. When we were all shopped out, and completely worn slick out we decided since it was our last day in town we had to ride a cable car. After all, we had them on our necklaces. It would be a lie to not ride one. Luckily we found a stop, a car, and some open side space. No way I was going to sit.

The boot was frightened, but we survived. And took pictures.

Look at that view! I was going to miss this city. To top off a wonderful day I got to go to dinner with my wonderful cousin Scott, his wife Adrienne, and their adorable little four month sweetie Olivia. Olivia had decided the day before to get 'stranger danger' so I didn't get any cuddle time. Sad day. But I got to be in a 100 year old San Francisco apartment. On the (gulp) third (gulp) floor. Ouch. I really didn't think I was going to make it. After dinner I had to have a group shot and I had to hold that sweet little bundle. I told Scott to hand her to me back first so she didn't see what was happening. Karreen was ready to snap the shot as fast as possible. I'm not sure if Olivia is scared of me or the flash, but we got a picture none the less. Love those 3!!

I could have easily crashed after we got back to the hotel but another Angel called from the hotel she and her sister had moved into across the street. (They were staying an extra day.) Actually, they called from the hot tub. Our hotel didn't have a pool or a hot tub. That my friends, is a crime. After the race in Phoenix the both of those were wonderful for soothing sore everythings. It was really cold outside so there was no way I was going to put on a swimsuit and sit in an outdoor hot tub. But since my feet and calves were killing me I did roll up my jeans and enjoy the conversation. We were in the middle of the hotel on the 16th floor. The towers of the rest of the hotel up to the 42nd floor were all around us.

Since two of the four of us were still hungry we ran out to Subway and headed back to the hotel. But Heather had an idea...why not go to the restaurant on the 42nd floor and eat the Subway sandwiches there. It's a very expensive restaurant, why wouldn't they let four women from Oklahoma sneak in with Subway sandwiches?? You know what, they did! I of course took pictures. It was really foggy, and dark, and the reflection from the restaurant lights didn't help, but I got a few that don't make you nauseous when you look at them.

That's the hot tub we were in! I didn't feel the pool but I sure hope it was heated. And there's Union Square. We'd started the race the day before almost under the yellow sign. Finally around midnight Karreen and I headed back to our hotel. Midnight in downtown San Francisco is a tad bit iffy. I clutched my purse and hobbled as fast as I could.

My trip was coming to an end and I was glad we'd done as much as we could. But I was ready to head home and see my family!

And I'm not going to lie...I missed the flatness of Oklahoma.

Soooo flat.

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