Saturday, December 19, 2009

Some more suckers!

Okay, they're not suckers...they're a sweet family we go to church with:c)

Since my friend Beth and her family took a chance on my photography and editing skills and liked the outcome, apparently she's been talking. One of our mutual friends asked me to do theirs! We worked for almost a month for the weather, clothing options, hair appointments, and life to align and finally got together last week.

Since Craig is a local football coach we headed out to the field for some awesome end zone pictures. Awesome in my head; not awesome in real life. Apparently here in Oklahoma, grass dies. Who knew? The end zones weren't painted and there was no signage at all with the schools name on it. Luckily having the coach with us helped. He got the wrap out of storage that goes around the bottom of the goal posts. Guess it wouldn't feel very good to run right into a big hunk of metal. Personally I've run into a brick wall and lived to tell, so I think that tough football players could handle it.

Caleb wasn't really sure that he wanted anything to do with me at first. For every calm picture I took I had to promise him two silly ones. After a while though he started posing for me and striking the most hilarious poses. I finally whined enough that Craig and Amy even joined in. Rocket ended up being the hardest one to photograph. Apparently when you call a dogs name to look toward you he actually wants to come toward you. When the dog is taller than you when standing on its back legs, this can pose a problem.

Still, I think we got some good shots. I'm still not a professional by any means but I'm cheap and fun to work with! And so far I've been blessed with good friends or family who are willing to take a chance on me.


  1. Great shots. My favorite is the first one--love the color of the grass in the background (even if it's dead)Okay, also love the one with mom and the kids. Oh and the family shot on the bridge!

  2. I truly love that bridge!!

    I've told you for a long time you are a great photographer!



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