Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just What I Needed

Sing with me. "It's just what I needed!" I honestly can't remember any other part of that song except that. And I don't know who sang it. Or when it came out.

What is wrong with me?

Oh, that's right. It's that crazy time of year when I don't know how I'll ever get everything done. Today I read a Facebook status that said there were 9 days until Christmas. Can I tell you that I almost passed out. I had to pull out my calendar. And calculator. But it was right, 9 days. To make matters worse, that's only 2 school days. 2! I have 30 teacher gifts to make and 2 parties. Oh, and I have to finish Christmas shopping and plan and shop for all the food. Oh, and make goodies. Oh, and have several gifts ready for an all day pre-Christmas celebration with Shawn's family. Oh, are you tired of me saying 'oh'? I know I certainly am.

Moving on.

Monday morning my head was spinning with to-do lists and thoughts of how to pack lunches when I was out of old fashioned oats, hadn't made bread, and had no idea what to pack in lunches. I ran outside to scour the freezers for a spare loaf and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this.I think my socks froze to the ground while I stood and just stared. I needed this. A reminder from God that He is greater than everything.


He's just what I needed:c)


  1. Beautiful! 30 teacher gifts...yikes! Too bad you don't live closer...I have a bunch of trees!!!!

  2. So true...isn't it amazing how He always seems to be right there when we don't even know that we need Him!!
    Blessings to you all. It will come together.

  3. "Just What I Needed" by the Cars? It was released in 1978, which makes me feel really old (40 next year, yikes!).

    Grand Forks, ND

  4. Like me you will find a way to get it all done! I'm still trying to find containers for the homemade hot cocoa for the teachers!!

    The picture is awesome. Truly a blessing!



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