Monday, December 21, 2009

Well, now I've seen everything

My last official, paying job was a school bus driver for a local school system. Because of the timing of the three different schools we had up to 30 minutes after we dropped off the high schoolers and before we picked up the middle schoolers. A group of us would meet at McDonald's and have breakfast and talk. Many times it was to get warm or cool because of the temperature inside the bus. There was a worker there who dressed for every holiday. Even Flag Day. She had an outfit for everything. After I had Reagan I became a full time domestic goddess and gave up my job and breakfasts out each morning.

Imagine how happy I was when that little lady became the greeter at the Wal-Mart I visit. And of course, the costumes came with her. She even created some more. Today I just had to take a picture.Really, I don't have any more words.

Just visit here for more Wal-Mart folks. My little Christmas tree lady has nothing on some of those people!

1 comment:

  1. How imanginative! I'm guessing there is a hula hoop under there!!!

    You'll have to start posting the other costumes. I'm dying to see the turkey for Thanksgiving!


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