Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

We are blessed to have friends that let us traipse across their land and pick our Christmas tree every year. In years past we have bought them at lots, cut them at a farm, and at another friends house. When we bought them or cut them from a farm they were Noble Firs that looked 'Christmasey'. You know, the typical look. When we started cutting trees on actual God grown land in the great state of Oklahoma our trees changed. Anybody know what grows in Oklahoma? Yep, Oklahoma Red Cedars. They're not what you'd think of when you'd decide to go pick out a tree. We though have grown to love them.

Our friends have given us free reign to their property so we park the car, grab our tools and camera, and head off into the wild. Each year we've lucked out and found the perfect size tree and just taken turns cutting it down. This year however we walked and walked and just didn't find it. We finally decided to just cut the top part of one that looked good.

Shawn does the main chopping but everyone that wants a turn gets one. Since we were cutting a tree somewhere in the middle it was much easier than cutting one at the ground. Reagan however didn't but quickly found that she could just sit on two branches and get the job done.Luckily the big strong guy will finish up when everyone else is done.This is my favorite picture of the whole year. I force them to do it. After the snap happens everyone but Shawn lets go because he's the only one doing the actual work.Thank goodness, because no one else could do this.
Not many other people have this view out their sun roof! And while we're here, where exactly do you think he was looking during this picture? It certainly wasn't on the road!This is my favorite view.So here we have the whole story. Oklahoma Red Cedars don't grow branches straight out. Instead they grow out a little and then up. When we decided to cut our tree from somewhere in the middle we didn't get equal branches. We got two huge empty sides. We were excited about one because of which side to put next to the window, but the other one threw us for a loop. But in the true sense of Christmas, we made it beautiful.Not the most beautiful one we've had....but definitely the one we'll remember.


  1. Looks better on your blog than You tube!!!

    I think it is still pretty.

  2. Charlie Brown would be very proud of you!!!
    Well Domestic Goddess looks like you had a fun Christmas and created more great memories.
    Please give McKinley, Kennedy, Reagan and Shawn a big hug from me as you celebrate the new decade.

  3. Just stopping in to wish you a very HAPPY, Healthy NEW sweet blogging friend!!! Hope that you have a great and blessed year!
    Love Ya

  4. What a fun adventure you took me on..thanks.

    And the tree well pretty unique LOL!


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