Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Perfect Tree

I am in my...ahem...30's and I have never in my life had a fake tree. When I was growing up my parents were in a food co-op and one of the other families had several hundred acres outside of the city. We'd all bring food for a potluck, load up trucks and cars, and head out into the wild to find the perfect tree. While the dads were doing the sawing the kids would run around picking Queen Anne's Lace.That's me in the dark blue coat with white trim. I know, so cute:c)

I usually had a small tree in my room with my very own ornaments. I got to personally choose it.That's baby Stephanie lying in front of the tree. And yes, I know I look a little boyish. I'm okay with that.This is my beautiful Mother decorating our tree. I have that piece of furniture and the globe in my living room right now. I also have about half of those ornaments.I was the flower girl in a friends wedding in this kicking plaid dress. I hadn't had any contact with them since their wedding until two years ago when I got a Christmas card from them. They had tracked down everyone from their wedding and sent them a card to celebrate their 25th anniversary. Thanks to Facebook we're now friends and have caught up on each others lives.Can we just take a moment and all say 'ahhhh' for how cute I look? Thank you.Oh hello there red, orange, and black shag carpeting. How I don't miss you. Know what was hiding under that hideous crime against carpet? Beautiful hardwood floors. I visit them regularly since they are across the street. And the couch? In my living room right now.Oh my orange banana seat bicycle. It's the one I learned to ride on. We gave it to my grandmother after I was done with it because she was in her 60's and had never ridden one. It came back to us just in time for Reagan to use it.It might be missing the rainbow basket, but it still is a great bike!

So all this to say, we never have a 'perfect' Christmas tree. Our always has a few Charlie Brown qualities to it. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Stay tuned tomorrow for this years. It's the Charlie Brownest of all.

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