Saturday, January 2, 2010

How Can Snowmen Be Evil?

I found an adorable idea for Reagan's class here. The directions weren't clear and I basically decided I was smart enough to wing it. Edible markers and something for the nose....aha! Mike & Ike's, the orange ones. The more I read about them from clicking on the links from that website I found one that said to make the noses out of clay and tell the kids not to eat them! Not the best idea.

I went to two stores I was sure would have edible markers only to be looked at strangely when I asked. I knew I could order them online but at this point didn't have the time. I finally used my new fancy phone to look up cake decorating places and set off.

My first store had them but only in purple and pink. Apparently they only sell black at Halloween. Good grief. I decided since one of our school colors is purple it would work. I was so excited.

The night before the party I got everything out and started planning my attack. My only problem? I couldn't find the markers! They had been loose in my car and we couldn't find them anywhere. We tore the house, car, and patio apart. I blamed everyone I came in contact with including the dog.

I gave up and starting going through possible alternatives. Food coloring? Perfect. I used the end of a watercolor brush and made a hole, dipped a toothpick in it, and filled in the hole. But I didn't have a black or brown and didn't want to have to mix and concoct until I figured it out.

Gel coloring for icing? Even better. I had black. I again used the end of the paintbrush and filled it in.

So cute!! I finished them all while my Red Hot Popcorn baked and went to bed happy.
But in the morning when I showed them to Reagan??Yep, they'd gone bad. Really bad. My sweet little girl told me, "It's okay Mommy. I still think they're cute." I love that girl.

I just couldn't send them though so I whined to Shawn and he said he'd take care of it. He is quite resourceful and got right to work. He grabbed these, flipped the donuts over, and saved my day.I didn't take an after picture but trust me when I say they were caaaa-ute!!

Just like this guy:c)


  1. Happy New Year Steph! It has been awhile since I have visited you and was not disappointed when I saw this cute post with the snowmen. I have had my share of cute cooking fiascos. Looks like you guys saved the snacks!
    Also wanted you to know that through your inspiration last year, I trained for and walked a half marathon in 3 hrs, 34 minutes in November. I'll be training again to do the Memorial half in April. I hope to be blogging more this year and will be back to your site to see what else you are up to! Happy 2010!

  2. Yikes...those snowmen were evil! (but very cute with their evil faces!) Good thing Dad saved the day! I have had that problem with the frosting before too...

  3. Your snowmen were a good ab workout. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. For me it was scarecrow hats made from yellow fruit roll ups for kindergarten. Who would think that moisture would cause fruit roll up hats to melt overnight. I love being a Mom.

    Your youngest sounds so similar to mine. They always find the sunshine. Please share your next adventure and I will tell you the commonalities.


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