Enter Statcounter.
When I discovered if for my blog it opened a whole new world!
Tonight found us chatting on Facebook, after texting about it first (and yes, I got her addicted to that, too) with me explaining how to navigate all things statcounter.
It could be a blog post all its own. We were pathetic.
Stefunk: Click the country/state/region tab.
Carrie: All I see is a red box with a line through it.
Stefunk: You must be special. I've never had one of those.
Carrie: Okay, now I'm there but the little black arrow doesn't work.
Stefunk: Wait, where are you?
We're both a little 'challenged'.
But eventually we prevailed!
I found that 14 people in the town she lived in had been to my blog today.
And only 8 from my own town.
She found out 1 from my town had read hers. (That was me!)
And 6 from her town.
I found out I had 17 readers from 6 different countries drop by today.
Hello to all my readers in
-Canada-Bon Jour or Hello!
-Australia (and I know one of those is sweet Miss Peg)-Wunman njinde
-The United Kingdom-'Ello
Those are all places I have never been. If anyone of you would like to meet me in person I would gladly accept a plane ticket:c)

Great minds think alike!!! So funny! You'll understand if you read my blog today!
Hi there!! Thanks for commenting on my blog!! I get a hoot out of those comments from people I don't know. I know you probably feel the same way. So thanks!!
I also have naturally curly hair (as you probably saw in that picture). But I have no skills at straightening it, so I just live with hating it. However, having it longer is key...so I can put it up.
You say you like Erma Bombeck. I was just turned on to a blog of a very funny mom of 7 kids! (6 boys...one girl). She is fun to read...notesfromthetrenches.com. Check her out. Went back to some of her old stuff and got some good laughs.
Have a great Easter!
Next time you fly into Phoenix and are not heading down to Tucson for a wedding. Stop by (sorry, I can't pay for the ticket, though)
Oh Yeah, you forgot, what ever Hypers your Piper!!!!
Did you run today? Just kidding, sorta.
Failte from Ireland!
Yep Miss Peg drops by most days.
You put a smile on my dial!
BTW 16 days before the NEXT race.......Run Steph Run! And I should Walk Peg Walk and get off the computer!
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