Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break

I have been blessed with great family.

On both sides.

Well, there are a few I'd give away if I found a high bidder...but I digress.

Two of them that I especially like came to visit during Spring Break; Tyler and Amelia. The main reason of the trip was for Tyler to visit Oklahoma State University to see if it's somewhere he would like to attend. His parents met there over 20 years ago so it's a special place!

We of course spent hour upon hour on the trampoline but we did a few touristy things-a trip to Pops and Bricktown.
And apparently no matter what your age, playgrounds are always fun. After a quick drive north we were at OSU. I let Shawn take the actual walking tour of the campus with Tyler and the girls and I did Glamour Shots on the mall and at the Student Union.What must everyone do when you visit Stillwater? Eat at Joe's!I highly recommend the Chocolate Shake.

Although I will go to my grave being a die-hard Sooner fan...I was pleasantly surprised that OSU was such a nice place.And if it means Tyler would be an hour away from us instead of six, go Pokes!


  1. You are too funny! Just want us paying out of state tuition? Love the photos!

  2. I'm so jealous!! You've been to Bricktown!! EVERY time we go to OKC, I'm at my mother inlaw's kitchen Bar listening to her tell me about her flowers.

    Roy wanted to go somewhere for the weekend. I suggested OKC and all the many things to do. "And not go to my parents?"
    "Well we can't do that! We'll be seen and people will get their feelings hurt."

    Like OKC is only occupied by the them.

    Do they still have the bowling alley in one of those buildings at OSU??? I went one year for a week thing and my friend and I talked the guy in charge to let us bowl most of the night.

  3. Who is the imposter with the chocolate colored hair? Is she the newest chick on campus?


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