Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break Part 2

Our Spring Break plans were pretty up in the air. We had no idea how long Tyler and Amelia were going to stay. We would have loved all 8 days possible but Tyler had already made it pretty clear that he would be going home to spend some quality time vegging there. Funny thing was...the longer he was here, the longer he wanted to stay!

We have ourselves some fun around here when necessary.

But something happened on Wednesday.

I got a text from our friend Ashley who is the neighbor of the Funk's in Lubbock. We have become quite close to her with all of our trips down there since last summer. She was turning 16 on Friday and was bummed that we couldn't be there. The plan had always been that if Tyler couldn't get off work we'd head down there and have the best of both worlds. I started talking to Tyler about it and after a text to Shawn, a Facebook chat with Carrie, and about 5 minutes, we decided to pack up and head down there.

Don't you just love that most of the decision was made without actually 'in person' talking?!

What a world we live in!

A few hours later we were packed and on the road. Since we left at 6 this is what the back of my car looked like by 10:30.Not that I minded. I opened the sunroof, turned the music up loud, and got my groove on. It's much easier to sing loud and dance when no one is awake to mock you.

Since the weather was so beautiful we spent the first day letting the kids play off some of their energy at some local parks. I don't know where they get all that energy...could it be from their nap in the car when I was getting jiggy with it?

The rest of our time was spent playing games...and some good cousin bonding!And just to keep it real...
Look at that extension...that height...kind of reminds me of... No wonder I'm walking with a limp:c)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the limp, as long as you all had fun!!

    Come back again!


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