Monday, March 23, 2009

It's beginning to THUNDER!!

My dear, sweet, precious friend Beth (who I've recently let down, can you tell?) took me to an OKC Thunder game a few months ago. I've been to professional baseball and hockey games before but this was my favorite NBA. I loved every minute of it! And I can say that now, months later, when my hearing has returned to normal. They like it loud there.

When halftime rolled around this weird rainbow thing came out onto the floor. It had arms and legs that could reach out several feet in all directions and could make itself really tall or incredibly short. I was really fascinated and freaked out at the same time. Enough so that apparently I only took two pictures.

Up until this game the OKC Thunder had only won one or two games. This one was close the whole time and with 3.2 seconds left we were ahead and it looked like we were going to win. Sadly the Wolves made a shot in the final seconds and we lost.

Still, I had a blast and got to spend time with a good friend. What could be better??
Oh, she's also the friend that did this...during a meeting where we couldn't stop laughing and were supposed to be veeeeery quiet!


  1. ROFL thank you thank you for explaining the photos!! You said they weren't great or cool..i love them and the stories behind them.

  2. WEll, explainations make everything clear! I would have snapped about 20 pics of the rainbow thing!! Very cool.


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