Sunday, March 8, 2009

All Things Banquet

So, even though my ears are still ringing, I survived the banquet.

Why do middle school dads think that the music has to be that loud?

McKinley is now a 7th grader. Not the uncool 6th grader who's never done this before. She knew just where to go, where the good tables were, and how to navigate through the crowd. She also is apparently too cool for pictures. Sadly, most of the 7th graders were. Last year I took 40 pictures...this year, um, 3.

Well, of her with her friends. I did take pictures of the entertainment. But be forewarned. The parents sit in the back so they don't embarrass their children.

These aren't the best shots!

The evening included a beauty pageant.

Of boys.


Swimsuit, (Sadly, no pictures. I was too stunned), and evening gown.

There was even a choreographed dance!

Michael Jackson stopped by and sang and danced to 'Black or White'.

The parents loved it but we felt like that song and that person were lost on the middle schoolers.

The principal seemed to enjoy himself.

We had to catch a ride home and asked our neighbors. Unfortunately they'd brought their Mustang convertible that only seats four. We decided six wasn't bad for a short trip.

The girls insisted on having the top down and it ended up being quite an adventure!
Glad I was in the front!

Next year she'll be the oldest and coolest, the 8th grader.

Until the slide show starts....embarrassing baby pictures!

I'm already scheming:)


  1. Stefunk, sounds like fun! For end of school, 5th grade here has a banquet! I can't wait for the baby pictures to be played!!

    Next year, Amelia will be an uncool 6th grader here in Lubbock!

  2. I heard it was great-
    fun to see your pics of the night- I am with Lori, I'll help next year. I am always a little late in the help department.


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