Saturday, March 7, 2009

How Did This Happen?

It's banquet day at McKinley's middle school. I don't quite understand the whole banquet thing...but of course she goes. I guess it's just a reason to get dressed up, get hair and nails done, and go see your friends at a different place. And while looking pretty good.

I took her to the local Beauty College today for an updo and then brought her home to do her make-up.

How in the world did she get this mature looking? I'm not old enough to have a daughter that looks this old! Wasn't she just born??
Of course, if you know me at all, there will be many more pictures to come!


  1. She sure is beautiful Steph.
    Look forward to seeing lots and lots more of this gorgeous girl.

  2. She is Gorgeous! Nice Dress too!! :) Just had to throw that one in!

    Hope she has a good time.

  3. She is beautiful! It is weird having our kids grow up!

  4. She is beautiful! I love your new do! Thinking of making a change my self!

  5. Stef - you've got the happiest blog of anyone i know. I love coming here b/c I always leave with a smile, but these posts are starting to make me very uneasy about my old burgeoning little lady. =......( You still manage to crack me up though -- about not getting the banquet. That was funny. McKinley, you are beautiful. Stay away from boys. They have cooties. Love, jen


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