Monday, March 9, 2009

Spontaneous Baptism

A few weeks ago our pastor spoke about how he'd come to realize he had never been baptised. Growing up in the church and being a Christian from an early age he had just assumed he had.

Word had been spreading for a week that there would be a surprise coming that Sunday morning. When he announced that he would be baptized for all of us to see I assumed that was the surprise. He went one step further and opened it up to everyone in attendance. Yep, a spontaneous baptism. He assured those interested that everything they could need was available; clothes, robes, towels...and I can only hope hair dryers and make-up samples! As he was talking people started leaving their seats and joining him at the front.

What an amazing thing to witness! The total for both services was 172 people! I had tears as I watched young and old, families and couples take that step of faith together with all of us as witnesses.

I wasn't at church this morning but I heard they did it again. Opened it up and had a multitude of willing people.

I just read on my friend Kristie's blog that she and her family were of those baptized today. I'm so sorry that I missed it. She did share a video link of the first set of baptisms. I hope you'll watch it and feel some of the powerful feelings that I had.

God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Watching the video brought tears--again! Pastor baptized his mother in the second service! A total of about 270 on both Sundays! So precious!


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