Saturday, August 2, 2008

Big Kids

Do you know someone who is a Big Kid? They're married, have children of their own, respectable jobs, but still will revert back to childhood at any given moment? I know several. I'm actually married to one. But for tonight's blog let's discuss David.

I worked at a Nazarene campground when I was in middle school and high school. My grandparents were volunteers and I would stay with them during the summers. I loved being with the college students that were on staff. Even though I was several years younger I was still included in all the fun and hard work. I always had a crush on one, or more, of the guys. And yes, David was one of those. He was always kidding around and was so much fun to spend time with.

Fast forward way to many years. I attend church with David. We're in the same Sunday School class. His gorgeous wife and I are good friends. His daughter and McKinley are good friends. And Thursday night they played against each other in softball.

David once again became a Big Kid. Reagan didn't stand a chance.

Kennedy didn't even see him coming!

After all these years, David hasn't changed a bit.

My girls love it!

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