Monday, August 4, 2008

Cooking Class

I lucked out last night when Shawn had several people back out of a cooking class that he was hosting. Hosting? That's not quite right. He's a salesman and he invited some cath lab workers to the class. Well, actually his boss did.

Oh good grief, do you really care? Let's just get to the point of this post.

Since I'm the allergy queen, and also quite a picky eater, I was a little worried. There were only 10 of us so I knew it would be obvious if I didn't eat what was fixed. I watched for a while and figured out that the Spring Rolls would be a little questionable because of the pickiness but they were okay allergy wise. Anyone who was interested could roll them. The rice paper wrappers had to be soaked in water first and then filled with vegetables and a sauce that was mixed together. The chef has two acres of gardens so almost everything was home grown. A couple of rolls down and she brought out the shrimp. See the little shrimpies in there? I made a mental note to ask for one from the bottom of the pan; the shrimpless rolls!

Shawn really got into it!
He was very proud of this particular one!
When the chef started making the Egg Drop Soup I had to ask. I can't have canned broth or bouillon cubes so I started asking questions! She reassured me she didn't use anything with MSG but had me read a label just to make sure!

It was a different Egg Drop Soup, carrots, mushrooms, green onion, and snow peas...but I was game! Well, not really. I did work around the mushrooms. And the onions. But I did eat the carrots! Even though they were cooked, a little mushy, and soggy. Ewww...moving on.

When I saw the handful of dried peppers that went into the Kung Pao Chicken I started worrying but thought the Coconut Rice would make it all better.The peppers lived up to their name (which I forgot) and the chicken was so hot that I had tears. That, and my lips were still burning four hours later. The chef even brought me a lot more rice to mix in to try to cut down on the spice.

So what did I learn from my cooking class???

I really prefer my own cooking! She was wonderful and friendly but I am not an adventurous eater. I do though fix things that I don't like though because I certainly don't want my children growing up like me. The world does not need another me.

Think this is why my lips are still a little tingly??



  1. In all complete honesty, I would have had to go home and make myself a peanut butter sandwich. :)

  2. And how much heart burn did you get??? I keep Lactaid in my purse for Kev, Tylenol, antacids, you name it. I would have said I'm sorry I have major allergies. :)))
    Love you,
    Scrapbook Queen


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