Friday, August 1, 2008

What did I sign up for?!?

Ever do something you are so excited about and then wake up the next morning with a terrified feeling, wondering what you'd gotten yourself into?? I hope so, I don't want to be the only one.

Precious friends of ours lost their 10 year old son to Leukemia in September. This amazing boy and his family fought through two years of treatments, victories, and setbacks. His mother trained for and ran a marathon this summer for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Societies Team in Training. For her 40th birthday she has asked 40 of her friends to join her in running a whole or half marathon in Phoenix in January.

I have run two 5k's by following the Couch to 5k program. I decided to do it so I could run the Race for the Cure to honor my mom. She fought breast cancer and didn't win. The training was hard but since I had a purpose I was driven! I then ran with a friend to honor her mom's fight and loss with a brain tumor. After that I lost my passion. I've started again but haven't gotten very far in the program.

Now I have my drive back! I watched this family suffer and could do nothing but offer prayers. Now I have a way to show them that I care! Since so many of my friends are also training I have had someone to run with every morning.

Melissa and Lisa joined me today. We were ready to go at 6:15!
Melissa brought her Blue Goo to help pre-soothe our thigh muscles.
I found out it will also clean out your sinuses!
After running/walking for almost 4 miles we were a bit worn out.

Really worn out!

Melissa had a harder time then Lisa and I did. She needed a little assistance.

We couldn't help so we drug her to the local fire station.

She finally got to her feet and we helped her in and asked for help.

She collapsed again on the back of a truck. Luckily they were able to give her some oxygen. Lisa and I were so worried.

They got us all in to their office, checked Lisa's blood pressure, continued Melissa's oxygen, and let me rest because I was obviously sweaty! They have a great air conditioner!

Soon enough we were all feeling better but ready to go home and collapse! Okay, wasn't that bad. We did lie on the driveway for a much deserved break but then had the funny idea to reward ourselves by doing the pictures. A special thanks to our local fire department and to Melissa's daughter Katie for taking the pictures. We embarrassed her GREATLY!!

But on a serious note, we are all so glad that we are able to do this for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and our friends. If you would like to donate to help me raise the $3,600 needed to enter the race I would greatly appreciate it. This link will take you to my fundraising page. Any little bit will help so that more families won't have to go through what our friends did.

Thank you for any donations or just kind thoughts or prayers. Anything is appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Stefunk - these photos are great. You look so young!!!! definitely a worthwhile cause.


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