Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July Parade

The 4th at our house is a blast from start to finish.

We start the day off as an entry in our towns parade.

Well, not all of us.

Let me explain.

Our neighbor Brenda owns way to many inflatable costumes and four years ago decided to put them to good use. Shawn has been a fourth of July institution since then. People talk to me about him not knowing who he is. Their faces are priceless when I tell them he's mine!

The girls have slowly joined him over the last 4 years and this year Reagan finally said yes!
I was melting in my lawn chair after watching our local police, local fire trucks, the majority of the County Sheriff vehicles,

and a bunch of vintage cars, (I love the basket on the back!)
I love this one! Could one of you please buy me an old convertible? Fully refurbished. I'd really appreciate it. I'd give you a ride anytime you wanted. Except when I was really busy.

A man driving his wife and granddaughter with a plow.

A local dentist was giving out...

toothbrushes! I loved it. Maybe because I had just eaten 10 yellow Laffy Taffy.

And a shriner. Just one. He looked lonely.

Veterans, short veterans. They are in there though, I checked.

And a clown on a riding lawn mower.

But this cracked me up. The Warr Acres Fire Department was there. We don't live in Warr Acres. I can't decide if they got lost or their town isn't cool enough for a parade and they had to crash ours.

Then, finally, my favorite entrants came walking down the street.

And there he was. The man that I fell in love with. The father of my children. Dressed as a ballerina. A blown up ballerina.

Dancing, jumping, and entertaining the hundreds of onlookers. Me included.

And here's Brenda. This is right before she sat on me.

I hope you all enjoyed your 4th of July celebrations as much as we did!


  1. I remember this parade WELL!! One year Paul Baker (remember him?) was supposed to drive some city official in his car (he had a cool convertible) and the guy never showed up. So me and a couple other people (can't remember who now) climbed in his car, sat on the back edge and rode through the parade smiling and waving! It was a hoot! No one could figure out who we were and the sign on his car still had the name of the city official on it!

  2. :) This makes me smile. Smile really big :)
    I was also in this parade. I was in it with my race car :))

  3. Man! What a great pic of Shawn--He looks like he is flying! haha!! I bet you were using your Super-Duper Sony camera weren't you?? :o) -Hilary


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