Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Magic Kingdom

Well, it is magic! We started our first day at the Magic Kingdom at night for Extra Magic Hours. Since my uncle and aunt are Disney Vacation Club members and we stayed on site we were able to go from 11-2am. The children were all running on pure excitement and were up for it so off we went!

The castle greeted us and we had to pause to take some pictures.

We went straight to a wonderful viewing spot for the parade and all shared Funnel Cakes until it started. Seeing the girls faces during the parade was well worth the late night.

Of course we had to ride the teacups. Of course, I didn't have to ride the teacups. Too many different spinning directions spinning in spinning ways. I got nauseous just watching. And surprisingly, I got a little nauseous just now typing about it!

And then off to the races!

Reagan was a really good driver! Kind of worries me.

After Buzz Lightyear four times, Space Mountain (had a bruise from reaching behind to hold Reagan's hand), another roller coaster that had train in the name, and lots and lots of was 2 am and we were ready to leave.

We caught our bus and headed to the condo. It was 2:42 when I walked in!!

The next morning the girls got up and dressed so quickly I was really impressed until I left for a few minutes and came back to find this. They were all completely out!

Our next time at the Magic Kingdom we were there an hour early. The hoola hoops helped us kill time until we could go in.

And by 'us' I mean the children. I was passed out on a tourist from Idaho.

A little shopping perked me up. Only because the girls were entertaining, nobody bought me anything:(

This was the morning that we were chosen as 'First Family' and got the special time with Goofy. Afterwards we did a bajillion other things but my favorite was The Hall of Presidents!

My love affair with all things presidential started in 5th grade and resulted in the names of my daughters. This presentation had mannequins that looked and acted like real people. There was even one that drummed his fingers! The best part though was that McKinley, Kennedy, and Reagan were all together. McKinley has the red carnation, Kennedy is in standing in the light suit with the maroon tie, and Reagan is seated in front of Kennedy. The girls were fascinated! Me included.

We spent another night there to see the fireworks show. We were a little sleepy waiting for it to start.

Can you tell?

But sometimes, if the moment was right, a smile would creep through.

While the rest of the group was watching a short movie McKinley and Reagan and I went for a ride on the carousel. Imagine our surprise when Goofy came to ride with us!

He did have a hard time getting on the horse though.

The fireworks were definitely worth the wait! I love how the smoke was almost completely covering the castle when it was over!

Okay, last picture, I promise. This was just to pretty not to share!

And just to keep it real...

I'm not the one with the afro! Imagine that!

See where I get the natural curl from? Thanks Dad.

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