Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More 4th of July

So there's more to our 4th of July then just the parade. The fun really starts after Shawn no longer is dressed as a ballerina. We never know quite how many people will show up but we plan to feed a bunch and have always had enough. I always try to count to get a grand total but with people underwater and coming and going I never get a good idea. There were just a bunch! My uncle and aunt and two cousins flew in the morning of and 4 more cousins came to see them. It turned out to be a big family reunion with a few neighbors thrown in for good measure. The children...well there were just a whole bunch of them.

We're missing Chris and Tyler from having all 9 cousins. But with an uncle, some more cousins, and spouses, we're a pretty good looking bunch! And please don't judge my cousin Brook, this is not the most flattering picture of her. She is GORGEOUS!! It's just that in the other 4 pictures of this group my eyes are closed and since it's my blog...it's all about me!
The newest cousin, Emily, is 15 months and so much fun to have around! She's always smiling.
She had a lot of fans.
I had a lot of fun Photoshopping her pictures.
We rarely saw all those children but we all kept ourselves entertained...

with flips-
-water fights
-water balloon filling and launching

-Meditation and craziness

-Trampoline time

-A card game that I should have won

-Motorcycle rides on Brandon's new bike

-Rock Band with the cute California guys

-And pruney hands

It was a wonderful 4th~

1 comment:

  1. We had a wonderful time! Thanks for the hospitality. Awesome pics!!! Scrapbook Queen


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