Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Left Boot

I have favorite winter boots. They're not for warmth, they're for looks. Almost every time I wear them someone comments on them. I heart them. Bunches. I found them at a ritzy consignment store on $1 shoe day. I actually looked past them several times, but a weird lady who was also there told me I should try them on. I'm so glad she did! They're comfy and fashionable. What else do you need?

So you can see why at this moment, I am about to go crazy because I can only find one! Over a month ago I remember putting one away and telling myself, "I sure hope I can remember where I'm leaving the other one." Now why would I remember that, but not where it is? (And while we're on the subject, why would I only grab one?) I've offered rewards. I've pleaded for help. I've cleaned my house from top to bottom. I've moved furniture. The left one is no where to be found. Does that make sense?? Of course not! The house is only 2000 square feet, where could it have gone?

So my friends, if you find a perfect, stylish, comfortable, black left boot, call me. Maybe we can make a match.

I'm offering a reward:c)

1 comment:

  1. You wore the right one when you had your L foot in that cast boot! Think back to where you were. Clean out the car, it may be lurking under a seat out there! I hope you find it. Did you check all the closets, laundry room, and the pool house???



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