Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Anyone Have a Spit Wad?

Last Sunday my amazing Jalene asked me to be present when her three children were baptized at our church. We met on Twitter, figured out we lived in the same neighborhood, our children attended the same school, two even in the same grade, both loved photography, and had both just bought new cameras. After meeting in person we decided to take a photography class together. We now shoot events together like the Daddy Daughter Ball and soon our high schools prom! She is precious and I'm so glad I found her!

Since we are first service people (traditional) and her children were being baptized in second (contemporary), we all attended first, went to Sunday School, and sent Shawn, Kennedy, and Reagan to lunch. McKinley and I decided to take pictures and set out to get the best viewing spot. Hello 3rd floor. We joined the video, power point, and lighting people two stories up over looking the sanctuary.

Hello beautiful views. I've attended this church my entire life, but I never get tired of seeing how beautiful it is. From this vantage point I had a whole new view. Of course, I could also see the storage that's above the choir room. Oh well, the stained glass windows and organ pipes made up for it. And speaking of stained glass, hello gorgeous.

I have loved these windows since I was born. Well, maybe a little later. During the service there's some very snazzy 1960's curtains that cover them. At the end of the service when we're singing the Doxology the curtains raise and the light shines through them. I have enjoyed this moment every time I'm there.As we were listening to the sermon for the second time McKinley and I played 'spot the friends'. We would take turns saying we'd found someone and the other would have to try and find them. From behind. Two floors up. I of course had a zoom lens:c) I don't consider it cheating. No matter what she says.

Soon it was time for the baptism. Hello nice view. Thank you zoom lens:c)And howdy to the two pastor Dave's!


  1. Stained glass has always been my favorite. You are blessed by such a lovely view every week.

  2. You have a lovely church. Maybe one of these days I'll make it up there to see it (and you).


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