Monday, January 10, 2011


You never know what type of weather we'll get in Oklahoma. Last week we had a day that was 60 degrees.

Today, ice and snow. Yep, welcome to Snowklahoma.

Sadly, as is much of the snow in Snowklahoma, it didn't stick. To the roads or most of the ground that is. It did stick to trees, some grass, and most of the stuff in our backyard. I knew the moment I purchased four pairs of rain boots it would be a dry year. When I came home with three snow sleds, I knew we'd not get any sort of snow accumulation. Such is the story of my life. So today must be just to tease me. But you know what? I wore my rain boots. Take that.

Here are a few pictures my Nifty Fifty and I took together.
I'm glad I took pictures. I doubt we'll see anymore.


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