Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Did I Miss These??

So maybe because I'm behind on laundry....I missed this.

But how in the world did I not see these until Shawn bumped his head into one?? I'm in the kitchen every single day. Several times a day. And three days later...they're still there.

What?? I don't know where the box is they go in.

Okay, okay...but I know where the attic is that they go in.

Getting up now.


  1. I told you!! I'm still finding things :-) However, I think I'm ready to put the last plastic tub up in the attic after it is repacked!

  2. Thats ok I am enjoying my tree so much I still haven't planned when I am taking it down. Isabella turns it on as soon as she walks in the room each day, it was an hour after coming in the room today before she turned it on, so when she gets tired of it I guess I will take on the task. Pat Mc.

  3. I am always sad to undeck the halls but I get downright pissed when I miss things and have to drag the containers back out. They usually end up in some junk drawer until the following Christmas cuz I am too lazy to put anything away at that point!

  4. I left ornaments hanging on the banister. I see them every day, it was still a week after I packed up all the other Christmas stuff before I noticed!


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