Thursday, June 3, 2010

Perfection in Paper

I have a big, huge, overwhelming story to tell you all, but I'm too exhausted to start it.

Let me sum up.

91 year old great-aunt.

No children.


Now in assisted living.

Serious collector.

Wonderful taste.

Packed house.

3 weeks of family work.

3 days of estate sale in the house, and yard sale in the back.

Day 1 is done and I'm worn slick out.

But this made it worth it.Two of my favorite things.

In one book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone want to come over for Pickled Oysters???

No? How about Broiled Fish a la McKinley?

(Since the girl is halfway through 24 straight days of steroids, she thought that sounded good. Well, she thinks anything sounds good.)

I recently joined a book club. Is it a problem that I only read cookbooks?

I better ask.

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