Monday, June 7, 2010

Home Alone

*******I apologize for going so long with posting. I have been fighting with blogger 5 days now. Pictures won't load, posts won't save, everything keeps failing. Anyone else having these problems or is it just me? Please say it's not just me.*******

No, we're not going to talk about the movie.

I am home alone until Saturday. Shawn and the girls are at camp.

Not just any camp, this camp. On the last day that we were there with Kennedy the director asked Shawn is he'd come for a week during the summer. He said that our daughter could come for free. When Shawn said he had three daughters, they were still interested.

So there you have it, $2,100 worth of camp, free for my girls. How do you say no to that?

They pulled away Sunday morning and my 23 item to-do list and I were a bit teary.But I dove in head first. Here are a few pictures of what I've done so far. If I told you this took five hours total would you be impressed, or feel sorry for me?You have to work with me here. See the bushes to their left?So here's what I have to show for my 5 hours of work. Four full trash cans. Glad I took a picture because the next day all my hard work was stolen by some men.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!!! Way to stick with it! AND I know it must've been hot and sticky! Looks good :-)


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