Monday, April 19, 2010

Colonial Fair

Just to keep non-sewing mothers hopping, the 5th graders at our school have a Colonial Fair assignment. If you'll remember, in 4th grade they had the Land Run. Luckily we had an old all school musical costume of McKinley's that Kennedy wore.

And guess what?

We made it work for the Colonial Fair as well.

Each group is responsible for a structure, items to sell, and costumes. I lucked out after McKinley's year and inherited an amazing structure. It's been waiting on our patio for three years. And now that this year is over, it will be waiting for another three years. After Reagan is done with it I plan to auction it off to the highest bidder.

When McKinley did this we handmade marbles with bake-able clay. We then painted every single one, put them in little baggies, and added directions on how to play. After all that work, I'd lost quite a bit of money, and quite a bit of my sanity. This year? Since I'd supplied the structure and tables, the other mom supplied all the candy to sell and jars to display it in. She also let all three girls spend a night at her house to count everything out and set it all up. I was truely blessed. I'm praying I get that lucky in three more years. Did you hear that God?? There was quite a variety of items for sale.

Soap and bracelets, candy,chocolates,hores rides, :c)and stilt rides.And everything was a low, low price.Some even got historical with their prices. The teachers were even in character.I loved when I came across one of the merchants sampling his items.
Emmie's had it's fair share of business and I only got one Jolly Rancher out of the entire experience. But from the other booths I feasted on Twizzlers and popcorn, got a flower for my hair, and a feather for Reagan's. My friend Jan and I forced Kennedy and Blake to stand by each other for a picture. Neither one was happy about it and this is as close as they got. Since each of them was upset with their respective mother, I love how they are looking at the opposite mom. After I followed the principaland librarian around to see what they bought,I sat down and took it all in. As a lover of history it's so fun to see the students get excited about it. I'm actually looking forward to doing it again in three years.

And raking in the cash for the sale of my structure!


  1. How fun! I sewed my daughter a dress from that era for 2nd grade, 7 years ago from an old white chenille bedspread. With the cap, poofy hip things and all! I'll have to find that picture and post it tomorrow, IF I can find it!
    Thanks for the great pics!

  2. Looks like fun! But don't keep us in suspense, why were the girls upset with their mothers?!!!!!!!!


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