Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What Happens When I'm Gone

While the girls and I were in Texas for a few days of Spring Break Shawn was left with limited groceries and an approaching snowstorm. I wrote on Facebook that if I could make it home I would probably find him in the den eating dry Ramen noodles. What I didn't know was that he'd brought home an entire pan of Chicken Spaghetti that my awesome catering cousin had made for a recent family funeral. That meant to me that I would have a pretty clean kitchen when I got home. After all, he was just reheating.

But I learned more when I got home.

When he'd decided to make some coffee he's started by putting the grounds into the filter in the maker. But when he looked away he poured some of the grounds into the water part. He emptied it all and rinsed it out and started again. Since he wanted the filtered water he'd set a mug in the refrigerator door that is just the right size to hold the trigger down so it fills without having to be held in place. While he was rinsing the coffee maker out that water overflowed, went down the refrigerator, and across the floor. After he cleaned that mess up he went back to the coffee pot and got everything going. After a while he went back to get his coffee and found this.

That my friends is what happens when you forget to put the pot into the maker.

He cleaned that up and tried again.

As he was starting again he noticed that coffee was coming out the bottom of the maker. He decided to take the bottom off and see what the problem was. Several drill bits later he discovered that a new screw has been invented that couldn't be budged. He still felt like he'd emptied it enough and set off to make a pot of coffee. Of course, while he was fussing with the bottom and the new fangled screw, yep, the water in the fridge overflowed again!

And I thought these things only happened to me!!

I love that he told me the story while laughing almost constantly. And I love him!!

And to tell you the truth, I love that I'm not the only one who makes messes in that room:)


  1. This is so Funny. I love it that he told you the story. You two are a great couple. Pat Mc

  2. Oh my! He may never let you come to Tx again!! I really thought you were going to say that you ended up with a new coffee pot!! Well, that may be in your future, or new drill bits!

    I'm so glad he took a picture!

    Was good to see you!

  3. Glad that I did not come upon this sight when arriving at IVR to steal a cup of coffee! Definitely would have known who made the mess.


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