Thursday, March 25, 2010

Off And Running

Thanks to some awesome friends and some amazing family I am 9% into my fundraising. I still have a long way to go though! The math scares me! Will you help? If each of my followers gave just $20 I would have an additional $1040!!! Kim blew me out of the water with my very first donation. She got the ball rolling and I hope some of you can help me keep it going!

The money that you donate goes straight to helping find a cure for blood cancers. As Tracy said in the sign up meeting at her house, "It's because of people like you, running these races, and donating your money, that I had two more years with my son." Her son lost his battle, but others don't have to.

Will you help? Just click on the Team in Training banner on the left of this page to go directly to my fundraising page.

Thank you in advance for anything you feel you can do. I love you all and am so glad you're on this journey with me!


  1. Good luck babe. I know EXACTLY how you feel! If I can achieve my goal, I'll give you my extra funds!!! This battle has to be won.


Comments?? I LOVE comments!