Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Birthday Menu

When I asked McKinley what she wanted for her birthday lunch she said, "Hominy Casserole, that asparagus thing, Potato Skins and Funnel Cakes."

That's my girl.

I told her she needed a main dish and she said, "Why?" When I insisted she said, "Fine. Chicken."

We've discussed before how she likes chicken.

We decided on Poppy Seed Chicken, one of our favorites. I then suggested we also add a salad. Since we were expecting 14 people I thought we should have plenty of food.

To help me she wrote the list out and hung it up on a kitchen cabinet door.When I mocked her (in a nice loving way) for putting Popeseed Chicken she added the bottom post-it.

How's that for 14 year old thinking?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds just like McKinley! Oh, and a typical 14 year old!!! Good luck, it doesn't get any easier, believe me, they just get moodier!
    Hugs Partner!


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